News & Announcements

  • Board of Education Meetings

    NEXT BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING:  Tuesday, 10/22 @ 7:30 pm - High School  Global Learning Commons

    Link to October 8, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

    Link to September 24, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

    Link to KSQ Presentation on 9/24/24- Highview ES Campus Planning Options 


    Link to 2024-25 BOE Meeting Dates


    Nanuet Union Free School District


    OCTOBER 16, 2024

    YES       447       /          NO        327

    The proposition passed with 57.75% favorability.


    Nanuet Union Free School District
  • Save the Date for NUFSD “Kids Vote” – Wednesday, 10/16/24

    Nanuet students will be able to participate in a “Kids Vote” on October 16th, the same day as the Nanuet Public Library Bond Vote. Ask your students about Kids Vote and see the following link for more information about the Nanuet Public Library’s proposed bond project renovations:

    Nanuet Union Free School District
  • New Communication System Parent Square

    Over the next few months the district and buildings are moving to a new communication system to send alerts out to parents, guardians and the community.  Please check your email for an invitation from Parent Square or register on the website.  Follow this video to set notification and language settings in the app or website.  The Parent Square app can be downloaded from your app store.     

    Nanuet Union Free School District
  • Important '24 - '25 School Year Health Information

    Dear Parents/Guardians,

    All students entering Kindergarten or any new registrant for September 2024 must have all the immunizations required for that grade, per the New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164. The schedule can be found here: in a new browser tab.

    Immunizations and Vaccinations Required for the 2024-25 School Year

    • All students entering 6th grade/11 years old must receive a T-dap booster.
    • All students entering 7th grade must submit proof of receiving their 1st dose of the meningococcal vaccine before school starts. This can be submitted to: gconklin@nanuetsd.orgOpens in a new browser tab or fax 845-624-0751.
    • All students entering 12th grade must submit proof of receiving their 2nd dose of the meningococcal vaccine before school starts. This can be submitted to: mhanigan@nanuetsd.orgOpens in a new browser tab or fax to 845-624-0751.

    If you do not have health insurance, please call R.C.D.O.H. to schedule an appointment: 845-364-2497.


    Physicals are required under the Public Health Law for the following grades:

    • Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th & 11th

    Please email or send the physical to your child’s school nurse. All links for the physical form can be found under “nurse” on the school’s website.

    Nurse Contact Information

    G.W. Miller Elementary: Lyne Louis-Charles, RN llouischarles@nanuetsd.orgOpens in a new browser tab

    Highview Elementary: Eileen Ryan, RN eryan@nanuetsd.orgOpens in a new browser tab

    MacArthur Barr: Giovanna Conklin, RN gconklin@nanuetsd.orgOpens in a new browser tab

    Nanuet Senior High School: Maura Hanigan, RN mhanigan@nanuetsd.orgOpens in a new browser tab

    Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the rest of your summer!


    Maura Hanigan, RN

    Nanuet Union Free School District Nurse Coordinator

    Nanuet Union Free School District
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The Nanuet News Monthly E-Newsletter

Message from Dr. Lisa Brady, Superintendent

Dear Nanuet Community,

There’s nothing like the feeling of “fall in the air,” as the leaves turn and we find ourselves looking forward to the holidays. Our schools are bustling with excited students involved in endless activities and engaging classes. This is going to be a consequential school year. 

It has been over ten years since the Nanuet School District has worked on the “Mission and Vision” for the District and we plan to do some strategic planning work this year. Parents and community members will be important partners in this process, so stay tuned for more information about how you can be involved. Engaging parents in meaningful conversations about school change will be critical as we accept the challenges of what schools need to do and how they need to be in this post-pandemic world. This work will be challenging yet rewarding as we collaborate on how we can position our children to truly be “future ready.”

We will continue to provide our community with our award winning communications like the monthly E-newsletter, The Knightly News, which was recently recognized by the National School Public Relations Association with an Award of Merit. Our monthly Golden Spotlight video series was also recognized with an Award of Merit. Giving our community a “window” into our instructional program and practices is a goal that we take seriously. We encourage parents and the community to check out our social media pages - Facebook and Instagram - for lots of amazing photos and important information.

By now, you should have received multiple emails about activating your account on ParentSquare. If you have not yet set up your account, please check your email for your invitation. If you require a new invitation, please email to request that another invitation be sent to your email address that is on file with the district.  There will be an option for you to download the ParentSquare app. When your account is activated you will need to select your notification preferences through email, text, or the app. You can also select your preferred language to receive messages. A brief video with setup information for notification options and language options can be found here

Lastly, be on the lookout for expanded opportunities for parents this year. From book clubs, mission and vision/strategic planning groups and  building-level parent committees, we have put parent engagement at the forefront this year. We are looking forward to these chances to meet you and work with you as partners in creating schools that continually reflect and grow.

We look forward to seeing you often in the months ahead!


Lisa Brady, Ed.D.


Estimada comunidad de Nanuet:

No hay nada como la sensación de “otoño en el aire”, cuando las hojas cambian de color y nos encontramos esperando con ansias las vacaciones. Nuestras escuelas están repletas de estudiantes entusiasmados que participan en un sinfín de actividades y clases interesantes. Este será un año escolar trascendental.

Han pasado más de diez años desde que el Distrito Escolar de Nanuet trabajó en la “Misión y Visión” del Distrito y planeamos hacer un trabajo de planificación estratégica este año. Los padres y los miembros de la comunidad serán socios importantes en este proceso, así que permanezca atento para obtener más información sobre cómo puede participar. Involucrar a los padres en conversaciones significativas sobre el cambio escolar será fundamental a medida que aceptamos los desafíos de lo que las escuelas deben hacer y cómo deben ser en este mundo pospandémico. Este trabajo será desafiante pero gratificante a medida que colaboramos en cómo podemos posicionar a nuestros niños para que realmente estén “preparados para el futuro”.

Continuaremos brindando a nuestra comunidad nuestras comunicaciones galardonadas, como el boletín electrónico mensual, The Knightly News, que recientemente fue reconocido por la Asociación Nacional de Relaciones Públicas Escolares con un Premio al Mérito. Nuestra serie de videos mensuales Golden Spotlight también fue reconocida con un Premio al Mérito. Brindarle a nuestra comunidad una "ventana" a nuestro programa y prácticas instructivas es un objetivo que tomamos en serio. Alentamos a los padres y a la comunidad a que visiten nuestras páginas de redes sociales (Facebook e Instagram) para ver muchas fotos increíbles e información importante.

A esta altura, ya debería haber recibido varios correos electrónicos sobre la activación de su cuenta en ParentSquare. Si aún no ha configurado su cuenta, revise su correo electrónico para ver su invitación. Si necesita una nueva invitación, envíe un correo electrónico a para solicitar que se le envíe otra invitación a su dirección de correo electrónico que está registrada en el distrito. Habrá una opción para que descargue la aplicación ParentSquare. Cuando se active su cuenta, deberá seleccionar sus preferencias de notificación por correo electrónico, mensaje de texto o la aplicación. También puede seleccionar su idioma preferido para recibir mensajes. Aquí puede encontrar un breve video con información de configuración para las opciones de notificación y las opciones de idioma.

Por último, esté atento a las oportunidades ampliadas para los padres este año. Desde clubes de lectura, grupos de planificación estratégica/visión y misión hasta comités de padres a nivel de edificio, hemos puesto la participación de los padres en primer plano este año. Esperamos tener estas oportunidades para conocerlo y trabajar con usted como socios en la creación de escuelas que reflejen y crezcan continuamente.
¡Esperamos verlo a menudo en los próximos meses!


Lisa Brady, Ed.D.



  • Senior Portraits - Make-up Date

    Nanuet Senior High School
  • Board of Education Meeting HS 7:30

    Nanuet Union Free School District
  • 5:30-8:30 PM Halloween Happenings

    Highview Elementary School
  • Halloween Knight - Grade 7

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Grade 7 Halloween Knight

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
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